Monday, May 31, 2010

I'm blue ...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Just before the Thunderstorm

so another shot out of the window & just before the storm yesterday. the pedestrians got soa(C)ked pretty well.

i also did some test shots for a new project of oliver and me... i tried some different angles to see if my working room would fit our purpose.


Friday, May 7, 2010

Follow the white rabbit aX the Zebra

spent yesterday afternoon in vienna - had a lot of fun with my camera... those zebra-Xing are just great ...

... and there is also the horse playing football ...

... and if you get bored, there is still a great gallery to see. i admit you should love cars (especially mercedes - the cool oldtimers and racers).

Monday, May 3, 2010


I just spent a day with scientists at iramis/cea research center close to paris - my prof. started a collaboration with them. again the food was very good, and i'm impressed of the research site - sometimes i wish we had that kind of hardware, or so many specialists in different fields around. on the other hand it's nice that i don't have to show an ID if i come to/leave my office...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Paris - Gif sur Yvette

Well, maybe not what you expected when i told you i'm in paris... i'm visiting an institute just outside of paris, and i just arrived here today (1.5 h with the RER B from CDG-airport).
nice place, it wasn't too easy to find a restaurant that had open on sunday - but we found one that served delicious food.

Agrandir le plan

Saturday, May 1, 2010


You guys ever heard of Maypoles? That's a custom in parts of germany, czech republic and austria... You may interpret its meaning however you like... in austria it's all about stealing the maypole of a neighbouring village and hold it for ransom.
two years ago or so, some youth club from muehlviertel managed to steal ours, linz - the capital of upper austria (or biggest village around). never happened before i think. anyways - the new one is up (no machines - it has to be put up by strong men like arnold schwarzenegger)...

oh and yeah. mirrors are fun!